I've been kicking around starting up this blog for a few weeks now, test driving different sites and just generally trying to figure out where to start, as things seem to get more complicated with every day that goes by. So with the new year creeping up on me in just a few hours I decided to just dive in.
The truth is, I'm not sure where to start. I have so much that I'm stewing over these days that it's hard to know what's the most important thing to tackle first. I can barely remember what I was doing at this time last year because so damn much has changed in the last twelve months that 2007 seems like a lifetime ago. Maybe I should start with the good stuff.
I'm in love. Not your average every day in love, but crazy head over heels in love with the first boy who ever kissed me back in junior high. I mean this is the kind of love you see in fairy tales and sappy chic flicks. Believe me, I know how ridiculous that sounds, but seriously. A year ago I had completely given up on love, figured that it just wasn't going to be in the cards for me, that maybe rising my kids was something I was supposed to do on my own, without any outside influence. Somehow, though, back in June I found my way back to B. We had been in sporadic touch during the eighteen years we were apart, talking every five or six years or so, but for the most part, we had completely disconnected, and through the wonders of the Internet (Giggle) I found a way to get us talking again. And it worked. We talked everyday for a while and started seeing each other, and almost immediately began falling in love all over again. For me it was almost like he was this other half of myself that I had been walking around missing for the last eighteen years and the completion I felt sitting there next to him, talking and laughing and catching up on all those missing years felt so right.
So here we are, six months later and millions of new words between us--letters and emails and late night long talks. We are really trying to have a go at building a life together. It's been the happiest six months of my life hands down. But. There have been a few little glitches; maybe not so little. See, neither one of us did a really great job managing our personal choices during the years we were apart, so there's quite a bit of baggage for both of us.
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